What is Reconciliation/Confession?
The sacrament of Reconciliation is an opportunity for us to honestly confess to God and community (represented by the priest), those occasions when we have failed to love as we should. Through the Sacrament, God’s grace and mercy frees us from the power of shame and the pain of sin – reconciling us to both God and community.
It is important to remember, our sin never causes God to leave us, it is we who move from God. Like the Good Shepherd, Jesus seeks us whenever we are lost. The Sacrament of Reconciliation returns our hearts, our minds, and our focus to God – the source of all Love, as we seek to conform ourselves more fully to Christ.
Reconciliation Schedule
Confessions are Saturdays at 4:00 pm, in the church, or by appointment.
In addition to weely reconciliation opportunities, Saint Rose of Lima offers a communal Reconciliation service during Advent and Lent. All are invited to attend this beautiful and prayerful service of healing.
If it has been awhile since your last confession, or it is your first time and you are unsure about what to do:
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