Saint Rose of Lima church was originally constructed in 1883 and located on Pierce Street, behind what is now CVS and Old Town Hall building at Routes 20 and 135. The church was damaged in the 1938 hurricane and eventually demolished in 1968.
The current church was built in the early 1960's, on a larger property a mile away. When the church was completed in 1963, it was one of the first churches in the Worcester diocese that conformed to the precepts of Vatican II. It was further expanded and re-oriented in 1999.
The church's interior, enhanced with beautiful stained glass windows, acts as a constant reminder to the assembly of the manifest love of God. The window, to the left of the altar, is filled with the symbols of Genesis and the Creation story, reminding us of God's abundant love for us all.
The window to the right of the altar tells the story of Revelations, the last book of the Bible. Heaven is depicted as the Tree of Life, with angels beckoning us to heaven and a treasure trove of jewels awaiting us there.
Above and behind the altar is a triangle prominent in a six-pointed star, reminding us of God, creator of the universe. Our Triune God, three in one, abundant Love continually flowing - ever giving, ever receiving. This is a God of radical relationality, a God in continual communion within God's self and with all of creation.
Immediately above the altar is a large suspended crucifix, Jesus - God the Son - who entered this world, showed us how to live and love, and sacrificed his life - all for love of us. Our salvation story does not end on the cross. The window above the main doors of the church, in the gathering space, shows our risen Lord, Christ - with us always. A beacon of welcome for all who enter. A reminder of the mission, to which he calls us, to all who leave.
The window immediately above the main entrance to the sanctuary is an image of the Spirit - depicted as a dove in flight, with the triangle pointing downward. This emphasises that the Spirit is ever active in our lives, animating our gifts, empowering us to become agents of transformation in this world, bringing the Kingdom of God ever nearer.
The window facing Main Street, is a woman, dressed as a nun, holding a lily and wearing a crown of roses. This is Saint Rose of Lima, depicted standing on South America. Saint Rose of Lima is patronness of South America, gardeners and the patron saint of our parish. Learn More